The anticipated regrowth time from the initial clearance.
This usually is between 6 and 8 weeks depending upon the strength of growth of the beard.
The anticipated number of hours for the initial clearance
We will provide an estimate of the number of hours for your initial beard clearance. This will be based upon your photographs from which you can then plan your time away for treatment. This can be adjusted depending upon your hair growth.
First follow up appointment date
It is very important to maintain your appointment schedule as this will be designed in relation to your hair growth and growth phase of the hair. Missing appointments will increase your treatment time.
The clients comfort.
This is always a priority and our comfortable treatment bed with various support cushions, ensure comfort during treatment. Soft background music and warm ambient lighting all help create a feeling of calm and relaxation.
The electrologist's comfort.
The longer the session, then the greater potential loss of concentration, precision and fatigue for the electrologist. We increment our sessions with regular breaks for the benefit of our clients and their electrologist. To assist in reducing fatigue and increasing precise insertion consistency, we use surgical loupe vision enhancement throughout our longer sessions and as required.
Positioning of the client (Particularly if two technicians are working at the same time).
Wherever possible the electrologist will face the direction of hair growth, this assists greatly in maintaining insertion accuracy. Positioning to enable two technicians to work, requires careful advance planning.
The accuracy of the insertion.
This requires concentration, precision and accuracy and it is critical to successful treatment of the tissues responsible for hair growth.
The pilosity.
The greater the number of follicles and their density, then treatment time increases accordingly.
Strength of hair growth.
How rapidly your beard grows is an indication of well nourished hair and resistance to treatment can be greater.
Hair texture.
Course hair may take more time to treat, due to the strength of the papilla which supports its growth.
The skin and it's condition.
We only work on hairs in healthy skin, local contraindications such as spots, cold-soars etc. must be avoided to ensure infection is not spread to healthy skin. Consequently, hairs in an infected area will have to wait until the next session or when recovery is complete.
Clients skin sensitivity and reactivity.
Sensitivity and reactivity varies from person to person and on the area being treated. We use insulated probes to minimise reactivity on the skin's surface, as only the tip of the probe is exposed to tissue. The probe is not activated until it is concealed beneath the skin's surface at the papilla. We also provide a soothing aftercare treatment before you leave and detailed aftercare instructions to follow when you return home.
Clients tolerance.
This also varies from person to person and on the area being treated. Your state of mind, anxiety, rushing etc can adversely affect tolerance. Do try to arrive for your session in good time and in a relaxed state of mind. Any reaction to pain is part of the body's natural defence system, indicating that damage to the area may occur if the stimulus continues. With today's techniques and high frequency modalities, then sensation will be minimised and pain relief is rarely necessary, except on highly sensitive areas such as the top lip and under the nose.
Endocrine and hormonal influences (Androgen levels).
It is a general assumption that anti-androgens, such as spironolactone will retard new hair from developing, but will have no effect on existing hair. It is not necessary to begin hormone therapy before electroepilation, but there may be benefits in limiting the growth of new hair.
Medication which may cause hair growth.
Certain medications, such as cortisone and androgens are known to promote hair growth. You should not stop taking any medically provided medication.
Previous temporary methods of hair removal.
Some temporary methods of hair removal, such as plucking, may cause distorted follicles. This resultant curvature in the follicle makes it impossible for the probe to reach the base af the follicle and the papilla. In these circumstances, the longer treatments of electrolysis or blend may be most suitable, due to the production of lye, which flows freely in the follicle during treatment.
The chosen electroepilation modality.
There are advantages and disadvantages which favour each modality technique. There are no proven studies that electrolysis, blend or thermolysis work best. Each method works well, but rapid thermolysis takes less time in its application at speeds up to 1/100 to 1/1000 second.
Local contraindications
These can be determined at your initial consultation and before each subsequent session. They consist of transient localised ailments, which will need to be avoided during the treatment session.
General contraindications
Our medical questionnaire will provide information on those conditions which indicate that electroepilation will not be suitable. Your welfare is our prime consideration!